signs of spring

First flowers of the season...check! Naked toes....check! Must be spring.
The harp is still in the finishing stages. We're using a polyacrylic finish to avoid yellowing the beautiful pale maple (and it's working). Aaron's about to apply the last coat, whereupon he wants to let it sit for about a week to make sure it's good and hard. And then (oh yes, there's more) he has discovered some new evil called "rubbing compounds" which he assures me will add immeasurably to the quality of the finish (and not so incidentally to the time). Nonetheless, it's moving along. As soon as the finishing step is through, there will be big fun involved in pounding in hardware, stringing, and tuning, tuning, tuning. I love that part. Here's a glimpse of the joy that it is to have half-finished wood all over the house. It's not quite as close to the dresser as it appaers, but caution is nonetheless indicated. Note that we're putting various class notes to good use.

And here I thought I'd never use them again.
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